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pour over

How to Make Pour-Over Coffee

    Nothing flashy here—just good, solid technique

    Blue Bottle was founded by James Freeman in 2002 with a simple yet revolutionary idea: to brew coffee to order, using the pour over method.

    The ritual of the pour over is like a meditation: There’s no machine in your way, no flashing green lights, no electric power cords. Just you and a few simple tools. If you’ve never tried a pour over before, the final cup is reminiscent of one from a drip coffee maker, but noticeably more delicate and complex.

    If you’re familiar with the method, we invite you to try our version. It lends itself to mastery both on the first try and the one hundredth. Find a few minutes to slow down: observe the bloom — that swell of the coffee grounds after the first pour and experience the first trace of coffee-drunk steam. Notice how the flow rate and the spiral of each pour can alter the flavors in the final cup. We’ve perfected our method over twenty years of obsessive tinkering and are proud to share it here.

    Coffee bean icon

    Coffee Amount

    30 grams

    Grinder Icon

    Grind Size

    Sea Salt

    Water temp icon


    600 grams (20 oz)
    205° - 210°

    Clock Icon

    Brew Time

    2 min

    coffee in a glass outside in the sun

    Our Coffees

    Explore the perfect coffee to get the most enjoyable pour over

    Preparing a Pour Over paired with our coffee ensures your pour over will be delicious.