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Chemex being prepared

How to Use a Chemex

    Sophisticated, charming, and fit for a crowd

    Equal parts brilliance and common sense, the Chemex remains a staple in every coffee enthusiast's arsenal. Its design has endured, unchanged (wood handle, leather cord, tapered glass and all), since its invention in 1941 by Peter Schlumbohm. Schlumbohm’s designs were characterized as “a synthesis of logic and madness,” and we're inclined to agree. Coffee from a Chemex is very similar to that from a drip, but there’s more room for error. To guarantee the best results, grind your beans more coarsely than you would for a ceramic drip, and offer extra attention to the pour rate. This level of care yields a delicate and nuanced coffee, with plenty left over to share with friends.

    Brew time

    3–4 minutes

    Coffee bean icon

    Coffee Amt

    50 grams

    Grinder icon

    Grind size

    Sea Salt

    Water temp icon


    700 grams (25 oz)
    205° - 210°

    Clock icon

    Brew Time

    3–4 minutes